The process consist of 3 steps:
- Modelling with a slab building technique
- Decorating with a white slip
- Glazing.
Tools for modelling

- Rolling pin. I can recommend this one without moving handles. Handles are the most fragile part from my experience.
- Spatula I use the kitchen spatula like this but a flat one will be more convenient
- Modelling Spatula I bought the whole set. I use 2 or 3 the most, but it's always better to try yourself.
- Fettling Knife I tried a lot of knifes. I even tried paper knife (it rusts in a couple of days). And you can use any of them, but this one I'm using already 2 years and don't want to change
- Cutting thread.I acquired my with a set of tools
- Plastic card. It can be any plastic card, or fancy ceramics tool like this
- Serrated scrape This one is available at amazon as a set But for the start you don't need so much. The same can be done with this tool: Feather Wire Texture Brush, and even ceramics needle
Things that might help, but not necessary
- Turntable It is better to touch a piece as less as possible. Turntable let you work with all sides without touching an object. Here is an example of a cheaper turntable. Or even Ikea's lazy susan
- Circle Cutter Caliper. I use it a lot to cut a circles
- Wide Foam Paint Brush . It's very convenient to sponge places you can't get to with a hand.
- Angle Cutting Clay Tool Cut 45° angle clay for better connection.
Make a slab
Powder chamotte 20% 0.0 - 0.2 mm. Heating temperature 1000°c - 1240°c

Knead a lump of clay and make a slab using a rolling pin.
Thickness is whatever you like. In the example, it's around 0,7 cm. It will shrink a little bit during firing

You can do it without template, or you can prepare the shapes ahead
Combine parts

Attach the coil to the bottom and blend it. It will make the connection between parts stronger
Week later it will shrink a little bit, become fragile and all water will leave clay
Tools for decoration

- Modelling Spatula I bought the whole set. I use 2 or 3 the most, but it's always better to try yourself.
- Wide brush. You can use any brush: nylon brushes or something more professional
- Sponge. Kitchen sponge will be good as well
- Water
- White slip. Below is how to make it